Tuesday, July 12, 2011


What exactly is Spontaneity, when we ask ourselves, its one of the quality of God. The thoughts sent by God at random is executed by us without giving another thought. So the first thought for any work is given direct from there and the next thought which is formed exactly is being weaved from our mind. And if there is no mind or if your mind becomes your slave and doesn't come between God's work, we then become the real tool for our dear Lord, Sirshree!!!
    Due to Baba's Grace, His continuous support, all patterns are breaking. I remember how I used to shy away from trekking in the hot sun but now I am open and willing to go ahead and enjoy it. I can distinctly feel, the body aching but I am still full of energy, which proves that mind isn't making excuses. I know for sure, I am not the body but I keep slipping into the worldly ways sometimes. Then I have full faith in You, Sirshree, as you said Faith is the only thing which is needed towards Guru. I love You, Ishwar. I had lots of pattern in eating yumming, oily, rich food. Now my focus is within and all that food doesn't interest me anymore.
        Self is expressing through this body. Due to Your Grace, I started Arts class for kids, I see myself engrossed totally into it and enjoying it so much. I see how You are around me in different forms, plants, small children, hubby, son, neighbors and friends. Baba, sometimes I am unable to pick Your signs, forgive me for that but then You are everywhere sending reminders. I love You ,Ishwar. I recently learnt EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)  from TGF website. Also, I stitched clothes. I am also doing beading. I feel so happy seeing You express in various ways, even when giving company to friends and of course in Silence.
          You tell us that 'Understanding is the only way'. The moment you understand you are not the body, you start living your life from that understanding. I am still working on it. Thankyou for opening me up and shifting me to the Real I. I love You, Sirshree!!!

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