Slowly and steadily with Your Grace, its happening, Baba. Being aware of every moment who you really are is the key. Just letting your self be available for Your service, Ishwar. Everything I do is for You!!! Expecting nothing in return, just Your expression is now my ambition. I contemplate on Your qualities, feel them and how would certain situation or event would be handled by You, My dear Guru!! I am like pure water with no form, flexible, can be molded in which ever role you make me perform. I am exploring my Self and am being in the state of Being!!! Thank you Baba for using my mind, body to express what You really want to express. Engulf me into the flame of TejPrem where all mann ki vrittis are dissolved. Some are invisible to my limited vision, help me find them.Help me motivate others to be Happiness,Love, Peace too!!!
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