Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Living in the false world...

Has it occurred to you, we are all living in the false world, everything around us is just an Illusion. Yes, Its difficult to visualize from where we are standing. To see this we need to stand away from the false ground and shift to the Real one. And How could we do that...First we need to be open to listen to the illogical things without judging from our limited mind information. Listening only could make us understand this.
          You must have heard yourself say, I am happy, ' Why do I even need to listen?. I would want to enjoy my life as is till the end.' Sure, Why not..You continue doing what you are, no one is stopping you. Listening to the Ultimate Truth will not let you stop your desires. It definitely would let your performance be better than before. It would take all unnecessary clutter that goes in your mind, the parallel conversation in every situation to zero. Can you imagine if that goes, how fast and efficient your work would be done. But for that, you need to take some time out and listen  to the Ultimate Truth which from ages has always been the same. This in earlier times used to be given directly from Guru to the disciple on one to one basis. But now in this modern age, You could get the same knowledge online (
            People have wrong notion, this is only for old people. We are too busy with our life, with kids, career, parties. Is that all your life is about? Just rearing kids, earning money, do house chores, socializing. Then what??? Wait another day, a week. Again same. You are waiting for the next exciting thing to happen, maybe a weekend party. For that, you are all dressed up, that excitement to buy new things, wear it, show your friends your new car, electronic stuff. And then what?? How long does that last? Have you questioned yourself, Is this going to continue the whole life? Is life all about this? Maybe in between some incidents occur, some health, accidents, unexplainable. Then you ask 'Why me?' Do you even think How small we are, nothing is in our control. Some people say, 'I go to the temple, do puja, chant mantras. I am very religious.' I ask Why, just because your parents have told you to do so or its coming from within. While doing puja, where is your mind? Are you doing it with emotions because, without bhaav ( emotions), no prayers would give result. Also having expectation and do puja would be like business bhakti. Can't we just converse with the Lord as a friend?
            Are you inquisitive about the Mysteries of this Universe? Everyone talks about 'This is my hand, I thought? 'Who really thought?' You would say your name? Whose name? Who are you??? Has it occurred to you, you really are not what you think you are. You are separate from the role you are playing. You get attached to the body ,mind mechanism and think and do every requirement of its. And thats how the time goes by looking after the limited whereas we are unlimited!!!

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